Unlocked 8 locations open After Covid virus


8 Unlocked Business After COVID-19
  1. Outdoor Restaurants and Eateries – Customers are allowed to dine-in and purchase cooked meals only, while self-serviced menus are not allowed. Each table must be 1.5 meter apart with barrier, alcohol beverages are still banned, and
  2. Markets and Flea Markets – Allows to re-open but remains 1.5-meter social distancing rules.
  3. Gyms and Fitness Center – Remain social distancing protocols, while only some non-contact sports/workout are allowed, such as, walking, jogging, running, badminton, tennis, table tennis, etc.
  4. Public Parks – Only for jog and exercise, group gathering is not allowed
  5. Barbers and Salons – While waiting for your queue at the shop, keep a safe distance from others and wear mask and face shield. You can only get a haircut, shampoo and blow dry. The shop must be cleaned and disinfected every two hours.
  6. Pet Shops and Vet Clinics – Only one owner per pet is allowed. The place must be cleaned and disinfected every two hours.
  7. Clinics and Nursing Home
  8. Golf and Practice Courts